lørdag den 29. februar 2020

Genre in the Climate Debate. Promotional text sketch.

Later this year my edited volume Genre in the Climate Debate will be published by De Gruyter. I have edited it with my very talented and extremely friendly colleague Christel Sunesen. You can find her webpage here. A part of preparing such a volume is promotion and I am a right fool at writing these auto-panegyrical genres, so here's my first sketch for a brief promotional text. How does this sound?

The volume offers an intriguing and enlightening new approach to the climate debate by taking it as a question of genre. Genres play a vital role in human interaction, as we use them to learn, to express ourselves, and to act. Thus, genres, and the use of genres by individual actors, determine how knowledge of climate change spreads or not from the scientific community to a broader public and how it is debated and acted on.

Update: A good friend on Twitter, Alexander King (or @ASElliotKing in twitter-speak), made his suggestions in the form of a picture.

Update 2: Thanks to good friends and kind twitterati like Alexander the blurb now looks like this. Comments still welcome.

The volume offers an intriguing and enlightening new approach to the climate debate by taking it as a question of genre. Genres play a vital role in human interaction, as we use them to learn, express ourselves, and to act. How individual actors utilize or manipulate genres determines to what extent knowledge of climate change spreads from the scientific community to the public, how it is debated, and to what extent it leads to positive action.

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